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Edisto Beach Adventure

On location at Edisto Beach State Park, the EBA yields a wide variety of fossils, primarily from land mammals found during the end of the last Ice Age, 11,000 to 50,000 years ago. (A general list of animals can be found below.)


The EBA starts in the beach area of the State Park (participants must pay separate park admission). From the parking lot, the primary hunting location is a 1.4 mile walk. However, depending on the volume of material present, nice fossils may be located within a mile.


Recommended Items: Water, sunscreen, bug spray, water shoes or sandals, snacks, raincoat, camera/cell phone. Collection pouches provided!


Tour Length: 3 hours

Click or scroll for Tour Rates

Please review our terms, here.


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All participants get fossil aprons!

All participants get fossil aprons!

Juvenile bison premolar!

Juvenile bison premolar!

Now where is that tooth?

Now where is that tooth?

Justice with a large bone fragment!

Justice with a large bone fragment!

Drum fish grinding mill with teeth!

Drum fish grinding mill with teeth!

Aha! There's the tooth!

Aha! There's the tooth!

Alligator tooth from Edisto Beach

Alligator tooth from Edisto Beach

A youngster with a dolphin earbone

A youngster with a dolphin earbone

Close up of the dolphin ear bone.

Close up of the dolphin ear bone.

Studio shot of a similar periotic.

Studio shot of a similar periotic.

Spotted eagle ray teeth from Edisto

Spotted eagle ray teeth from Edisto

Manatee molar from Edisto Beach

Manatee molar from Edisto Beach

Puffer - burr - porcupine fish mouthplate

Puffer - burr - porcupine fish mouthplate

Turtle nuchal bone from Edisto Beach

Turtle nuchal bone from Edisto Beach

Fossil Hunting at Edisto Beach

On the EBA you can find fossils from:

Columbian Mammoths


American Mastodons


Four-tusked Elephants


Giant Ground Sloths


Giant Armadillos



Saber-tooth Cats










Dire Wolves



Giant Beavers


Giant Tortoises




Rays & Sharks


Various Fish


     Adults (16+):    $59

Children (6-15):    $45

Children 5 & under are FREE!


Family Discounts: 

4 Family Members: $179

5 Family Members: $215

6 Family Members: $259


Ask about our flat rate for groups of 7 and up


EBA Rates

First Aid/CPR/AED Certified Guides


Licensed | Insured

© 2016-2025 Charleston Fossil Adventures, LLC
PO Box 1608, Ladson, SC 29456


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